A good pipe, not only should have a good economy, and should have a stable and reliable interface, material impact resistance, anti-cracking, anti-aging, corrosion and a series of advantages, compared with traditional pipe, HDPE drainage system has the following A series of advantages:
⑴ reliable connection: polyethylene pipe system between the use of electric hot melt connection, the joint strength is higher than the pipe body strength.
⑵ low temperature impact resistance: polyethylene low temperature embrittlement temperature is very low, in the -60-60 ℃ temperature range of safe use. Winter construction, due to good impact resistance of the material, will not occur tube embrittlement.
⑶ good resistance to stress cracking:HDPE Water Pipe with low gap sensitivity, high shear strength and excellent scratch resistance, resistance to environmental stress cracking performance is also very prominent.
â · · dobra kemijska odpornost: HDPE vodovodna cev lahko prenese različno korozijo kemičnih medijev, tla v kemičnih snoveh ne bodo povzročila razgradnje cevovoda. Polietilen je električni izolator in zato ne razgrajuje, rje ali elektrokemične korozije; ne spodbuja alg, bakterij ali gliv.
Kljub temu bo prišlo do škodljivega sproščanja škodljivih snovi.
⑸ resistant to aging, long life: containing 2.5.5% of the uniform distribution of carbon black polyethylene pipe can be stored in the open air or use for 50 years, will not be damaged by UV radiation.
dobra odpornost proti obrabi: primerjalni test odpornosti proti obrabi HDPE vodnih cevi in jeklenih cevi kaže, da je odpornost HDPE proti odtoku jeklene cevi 4-krat. Na področju prevoza blata imajo odtoki HDPE boljšo odpornost proti obrabi v primerjavi z jeklenimi cevmi, kar pomeni, da imajo odtoki HDPE daljšo življenjsko dobo in boljšo ekonomičnost.
⑺ Good flexibility: The flexibility of the HDPE drain makes it easy to bend, and the project can bypass the obstruction by changing the pipe. In many cases, the flexibility of the pipe can reduce the amount of pipe and reduce the installation cost.
• nizka odpornost na pretok: HDPE vodovodna cev z gladko notranjo površino, Manningov koeficient 0,009. Zaradi gladkih lastnosti in nelepljivih lastnosti imajo odtoki HDPE večjo transportno zmogljivost kot običajne cevi, hkrati pa zmanjšujejo izgubo tlaka v ceveh in porabo vode.
⑼ easy handling:HDPE Water Pipe than concrete pipes, galvanized pipe and steel pipe lighter, it is easy to carry and install, lower manpower and equipment needs, means that the installation costs greatly reduced.
⑽ a variety of new construction methods:HDPE Water Pipe with a variety of construction techniques, in addition to the traditional excavation can be used for construction, but also can use a variety of new trenchless technology such as pipe jacking, directional drilling, , Cracks and other means of construction, which is not allowed to excavate some of the places, is the only choice, so HDPE drainage applications more widely.