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Stroj za čelno varjenje ima določeno trdnost in plastičnost


The main part of the Butt Welding Machine is a step-down transformer, the secondary coil is welded at both ends of the workpiece and the electrode, the work of igniting the arc, the arc in the high temperature welding electrode welded to the gap in the workpiece. As the welding transformer core has its own characteristics, it has a sharp drop in the characteristics of the voltage, that is, after the electrode ignition voltage drop; in the electrode is shortened bonding, the voltage is a sharp decline. Nextintroduce the principle of Butt Welding Machine and the advantages of welding machine.

Načelo čelnega varjenja

The use of the welding machine is actually when the workpiece contacts the resistance will produce heat, so as to achieve the purpose of heating the workpiece, making the metal surface melting, and welds in the workpiece counterparts solid phase metal plastic degeneration under the conditions of the formation of a common Grain, weld organization, the composition close to the base metal, so it is easier to get strong and other plastic welded joints. In the flash process, with the discharge of air, reduce the metal oxidation of the self-protection function, making the weld inclusions, not penetration and other defects less.

Prednosti stroja za čelno varjenje

1, the welding efficiency is high.As the workpiece is pressed with the times the force cylinder, the reaction speed was significantly faster than the hydraulic cylinder.

2, funkcija samodejnega centriranja za zagotovitev, da sta oba konca cevi pred koncem obeh koncev enaka in enaka, tako da zagotovita enako količino gorenja na obeh koncih.

Zahteve glede kakovosti zadnjega spoja, ki se odražajo v spoju, bi morale imeti določeno trdnost in plastičnost, zlasti slednjemu bi bilo treba posvetiti več pozornosti. Na splošno zaradi značilnosti samega postopka je odpornost kakovosti zadnjega spoja slaba, zato je ni mogoče neposredno uporabiti za pomembno strukturo. Z varnim čelnim varjenjem lahko v ustreznih pogojih postopka dobite skoraj enake kakovostne lastnosti, kot so na primer kovinski spoji. In če je naprava pravilno zasnovana, je lahko natančnost oblikovanja varjenih delov v območju, ki ga določa standard MIL-W-6873.

The main part of the Butt Welding Machine is a step-down transformer, the secondary coil is welded at both ends of the workpiece and the electrode, the work of igniting the arc, the arc in the high temperature welding electrode welded to the gap in the workpiece. As the welding transformer core has its own characteristics, it has a sharp drop in the characteristics of the voltage, that is, after the electrode ignition voltage drop; in the electrode is shortened bonding, the voltage is a sharp decline. introduce the principle of Butt Welding Machine and the advantages of welding machine.

Načelo čelnega varjenja

The use of the welding machine is actually when the workpiece contacts the resistance will produce heat, so as to achieve the purpose of heating the workpiece, making the metal surface melting, and welds in the workpiece counterparts solid phase metal plastic degeneration under the conditions of the formation of a common Grain, weld organization, the composition close to the base metal, so it is easier to get strong and other plastic welded joints. In the flash process, with the discharge of air, reduce the metal oxidation of the self-protection function, making the weld inclusions, not penetration and other defects less.

Prednosti stroja za čelno varjenje

1, the welding efficiency is high.As the workpiece is pressed with the times the force cylinder, the reaction speed was significantly faster than the hydraulic cylinder.

2, funkcija samodejnega centriranja za zagotovitev, da sta oba konca cevi pred koncem obeh koncev enaka in enaka, tako da zagotovita enako količino gorenja na obeh koncih.

3, enostavno upravljanje in vzdrževanje. Ker ni hidravlične postaje, produkt točke za odpravljanje napak, točke okvare manj, ne bo olja in drugih pojavov.

4, the requirements of the grid is low. Only 250KVA grid can be met.

5, natančnost varjenja je visoka. Z uporabo programabilnega krmilnika PLC in koraka uvoza za nadzor postopka bliskavice lahko natančno nastavite količino gorenja in hitrost gorenja; skozi krmilnik maske za spajkanje mikroračunalnika za nadzor varilnega toka. Nadzirajte v območju ± 0,2 mm, da olajšate nadaljnjo skupino varilnih kosov.

6, energy-saving. Radiator flash welding machine is used in two 125KVA resistance welding transformer for power, pneumatic compression, upset, no hydraulic station. Compared to other other use of two 315KVA single-phase AC welding transformer And two power 18KVA hydraulic station Butt Welding Machine, UN-250AB Butt Welding Machine can save up to 78%

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