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HDPE Pipe Good Elasticity, High Impact Resistance, Non-toxic


HDPE cev

The reason is that the melt flow in the cylinder, the flow between the cylinder wall and the inner wall of the difference, when leaving the die, the whole melt and no resistance, the gap between the two becomes zero. It is the relative movement of the layers of the change, causing the mold at the melt flow of intense oscillation, leading to the occurrence of such phenomena!


1, add auxiliaries: like organic silicone additives (silicone plastic additives) or Fu Fu polymer additives (PPA).

2, lahko ustrezno povišanje temperature izboljša tudi pretok taline!

Squeeze HDPE pipe, and sometimes because of temperature, and sometimes because of the type of raw material problems and more or less patterns, but sometimes it is to increase the temperature, change the plastic model or how much. There have been tested on the membrane head of the air ring overhead, or that elevation.

3, najprej izberite ostalo HDPE cev, da določite ustrezen material. V preteklosti so bile za oskrbo z vodo v glavnem cevi iz litega železa. Zunaj glavne cevi iz peska iz litega železa, notranja uporaba pocinkane cevi iz litega železa, ki jo lahko razdelimo na hladno (električno) pocinkano in toplo pocinkano dve. Pocinkano cev kot vodovodna cev, uporaba nekaj let kasneje, cev proizvaja veliko rje, odtok rumene vode ne samo onesnažuje sanitarno keramiko in meša se z neenakomernimi stenskimi bakterijami, rjo, ki jo povzroča visoka raven težke kovine v vodi, ki resno škodijo zdravju ljudi. Še pomembneje pa je, da zmogljivost tako vrhunske HDPE cevi ni draga.

Drainage HDPE pipe is the traditional PVC, pig iron pipe drinking water pipe replacement products. Drainage pipe must be able to prohibit the inevitable pressure, usually choose the machine function is better, large molecular weight PE resin, such as HDPE resin, and LDPE resin pressure, tensile strength is low, poor steel, forming the proportion of poor stability when polished , And the connection problem, not suitable as a drainage pressure pipe material.

Od funkcije visoke temperature PE-cev z dvigom temperature svoje funkcije hitro zmanjša uporabo temperature za ± 60 °, pri čemer je splošna uporaba hladne vode za glavni, predvsem za drenažno cev na glavni cesti, ki po dom Izbira drenažne cevi bo izbrala PPR cev.

PE cev majhna teža, dobra elastičnost, visoka odpornost na udarce, nestrupenost, cenejša cena na enoto, zmogljivost pri nizkih temperaturah je boljša, zdaj je komunalna gradnja, nepremičnine, tovarne, gradnja vodovodnih rezervoarjev in drugi vodovodni in drenažni cevovod.

  HDPE is a thermoplastic polyolefin produced by copolymerization of ethylene. Although HDPE was introduced in 1956, but this plastic has not yet reached a mature level. This common material is also constantly developing its new uses and markets. The thermoplastic resin. The appearance of the original HDPE was milky white, in a slight cross-section was a certain degree of translucent. PE has excellent resistance to most of the characteristics of life and industrial chemicals. Certain types of chemicals can produce chemical corrosion, such as corrosive oxidants (concentrated nitric acid), aromatic hydrocarbons (xylene) and halogenated hydrocarbons (carbon tetrachloride). The polymer is not hygroscopic and has good resistance

PE can be manufactured with a wide range of different processing methods. Including extrusion such as sheet extrusion, film extrusion, pipe or profile extrusion, blow molding, injection molding and rotomoulding.

HDPE cev je tradicionalna jeklena cev, izdelki za nadomestitev cevi za pitno vodo iz PVC.

Koeficient hrapavosti HDPE cevi je med 0,009 in 0,01, kar je veliko manj kot koeficient hrapavosti armiranobetonske cevi (0,013-0,014). Vidimo lahko, da bo promet v primerjavi z armiranobetonsko cevjo z enakim premerom večji. Za komunalna drenažna dela lahko z uporabo HDPE izključene učinkovito poveča količino emisij in s tem zmanjša gradnjo črpališč za odplake ter zmanjša stroške čiščenja komunalne odplake.

HDPE pipe is a flexible pipe, in its interface is usually used in a flexible connection, it has a good sealing performance, and has a strong ability to adapt to the pipeline foundation uneven settlement, anti-leakage is very strong. Compared with the clean concrete pipes used in the traditional municipal drainage works, the HDPE pipe is flexible on the material and foundation, and it can play an effective anti-underground pollution because of its good sealing and good anti-leakage.

HDPE cev in tradicionalna armiranobetonska cev se razlikujeta od uporabe polietilenskih inertnih materialov z visoko gostoto, zato imajo različne kemikalije močno odpornost proti koroziji, zato ima izpust visoko kislinskih, alkalnih ali odplak dober učinek. Uporaba, HDPE cev se lahko uporablja več kot 50 let, medtem ko je armiranobetonska cev dovzetna za korozijo v tleh, običajno v življenjski dobi približno 20 let. Kot je razvidno iz HDPE, ima HDPE daljšo ali uporabno dobo.

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