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HDPE vodovodna cev za zagotovitev uporabe učinka cevovoda


From the early 90 century, the state vigorously applied the plastic pipe, and formulated a series of policies, systems, standards, but also accumulated a lot of experience. Development to today, already has a perfect product standards, testing methods and testing means,HDPE Water Pipe construction engineering specifications, etc., thus agreeing to product specifications and quality indicators, to achieve the interchangeability of products. This shows that the development of the pipeline has entered a mature stage, product quality and construction quality are guaranteed, thus ensuring the use of the pipeline effect.

From the early 90 century,HDPE Water Pipe the state vigorously applied the plastic pipe, and formulated a series of policies, systems, standards, but also accumulated a lot of experience. Development to today, already has a perfect product standards, testing methods and testing means, construction engineering specifications, etc., thus agreeing to product specifications and quality indicators, to achieve the interchangeability of products. This shows that the development of the pipeline has entered a mature stage, product quality and construction quality are guaranteed, thus ensuring the use of the pipeline effect.

HDPE cev V proizvodnem procesu bodo nekateri proizvajalci, da bi zmanjšali stroške in dostop do več ugodnosti, uporabili del materiala za izdelavo, vendar pogosto ti materiali, ki jih proizvaja ta material, uporabnikom omogočajo, da se pojavijo različna varnostna tveganja.

Let's see what we have to do to make the HDPE tube.

Približno razdeljeno na reciklirane materiale in zdrobljene materiale, vključno z medicinskimi odpadki, kemičnimi odpadki itd., Je za človeško telo zelo škodljivo.

Product Features

1. Osnovne značilnosti: Polietilen visoke gostote je nekakšen neprozoren bel voščen material, delež je lažji od vode, delež je 0,941 ~ 0,960, mehak in žilav, vendar nekoliko trši od LDPE, vendar tudi rahlo raztezen, nestrupen , brez okusa.

2. Karakteristike zgorevanja: Vnetljivo, lahko gori tudi po požaru, zgornji konec plamena je rumen, spodnji konec je moder, zgorevanje se bo stopilo, HDPE vodovodna cev kaplja, brez črnega dima, hkrati čas, ki oddaja vonj po parafinu

3. Main advantages: acid and alkali resistance, organic solvents, excellent electrical insulation, low temperature, still can maintain a certain toughness. Surface hardness, tensile strength,HDPE Water Pipe rigidity and other mechanical strength are higher than LDPE, close to PP, than pp toughness, but the surface finish is not as pp

Delna uporaba izdelka

1. Arena Board (deska za hokej na ledu); 2. Okvir nahrbtnika; 3. neprebojna plošča; 4. pokrov steklenice; 5. cevni sistemi, odporni proti kemični koroziji; 6. notranji izolator koaksialnega kabla; 7. posode za shranjevanje hrane; 8. avtomobilski rezervoar za gorivo; 9. Zaščita pred korozijo jeklenih cevovodov; 10. Električne in cevne omarice; 11. Daljno infrardeča leča; 12. Zložljivi stoli in mize; 14. Geotermalni sistem za prenos toplote 15. Toplotno odporna malta za ognjemete; 16. Zaščitna čelada; 17. obroč Hula; 18. Cevni sistem za distribucijo zemeljskega plina

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