Osnovne informacije
Opis izdelka
Aluminum-plastic pipes become more and more popular in the building.
1) Specifikacija: Φ16 - 63
2) Nestrupen, antikoroziven
3) Light weight, strong mechanical properties and thermal-resistant ability
4) Low fragile humidity and long using life
5) Nizka pretočna upornost v cevi, redko se lahko zgodi luščenje
6) Tekočin ni mogoče onesnažiti. Učinkoviti premeri so veliki
7) Oxygen is 100% isolated and infiltration is thoroughly prevented. In case they are used as shielding materials for telecommunication circuit, magnetic interference can be prevented
8) Antistatičen in primeren za prevoz plina in goriva
9) Lahko se upogne ali poravna brez omejitev